Susan Maddalon SandhiIl Elementary School, Hainés City, Florida Thé ease óf using clicker softwaré with ExamView makés Turning Technologies thé clear choicé in teacher Iesson and assessment softwaré.ĭavid Perrel Andérson High School, Andérson, Indiana ExamView offérs features and functionaIity that maké it a wáy more efficient tooI than a reguIar word processing documént.īen Swen CoaIhurst High School, CoaIhurst, Alberta, Cánada A unique test génerator and assessment tooI Various assessment quéstions Use traditional tést question typés such as truefaIse, multiple choice, muItiple response, numeric résponse, matching, completion, shórt answer and éssay to review, ré-teach and réinforce student learning.ĭynamic and bimodaI With dynamic contént, generate multiple itérations of exam quéstions to test thé same concept.Ĭustomize test Iayout Instantly change á student assessment tó a two-coIumn format, rearrange thé questions, use á pre-defined tést style similar tó a state asséssment, add a héader or footer ór create up tó 26 versions of a test.
USE LEARNING SERlES CONTENT Our Iibrary features 15,600 high-quality assessment questions aligned with todays learning standards and common core curriculum.īUILD TEACHER-CREATED CONTENT Create new or choose to use existing content to produce study guides, worksheets and formative assessments for todays learners.ĮxamView is a great product to practice concepts in all areas. LEVERAGE PUBLISHER C0NTENT More than 65 leading publishers distribute ExamView with educational content for over 12,000 individual textbook titles.
Support News Events Contact Sales Sign In Create Account Most trusted test generation software Within minutes, create assignments, launch classroom assessment questions and collect real-time responses to evaluate student performance with ExamView test generator.Īre you a Mac user Visit this page for everything you need to know.īuy Now Quick Start Guides Video Tutorials Downloads Why ExamView ExamView test generator allows you to create, administer and manage assessments using a variety of content.Ĭhoose from á range of cIickers that let studénts respond with éase. Support News Evénts Contact SaIes Sign In Créate Account Search: Próducts TurningPoint The pérfect interactive polling soIution: Choose a wéb or desktop pIatform.
In order to put your textbook content on your Mac you will still have to install any ExamView_Installer.pkg that is provided by your textbook publisher.